

To create the wholeness, without ever being.
To create everything but remains in nothingness.
Not always, but there are certain times when starting from scratch is necessary, and sometimes even essential, especially if it is to try to correct mistakes of the past, but now with the learning gathered along the way; This is one of those times. And literally, we will start from scratch.


No word describes it without denying it.
Any drawing we make limits it.
Each image that we can express deforms it.
No thought resembles it, and yet, it exists. 

Its best description, silence.
The drawing that it most resembles,
It is the one that is about to be realized.

Therefore, regardless of the honesty of my intention,
or the vast that my words might be,
I will never be able to describe the depth of the void,
I will not succeed in reducing the all-encompassing absence to nothingness.

However, this is our humble origin,
we come from the all-encompassing absence,
we come from nothingness;
The one who created the wholeness, without ever being.
The one that being everything remains in nothingness.

Śūnyatā is an oriental principle that means emptiness, void, vacuum which is the origin of the numeral zero. It belongs to the Indo-Arabic decimal numeric system that we use around the world. However, the vast majority of the population does not know the depth of its origin.
When the Indo-Arabic numerals arrived in Europe during the obscurantism, they were labeled as magical or demonic, which was the reason to be censored for a long time. 

Eventually, as the superiority of the positional decimal system to perform calculations was evident, and they started to use it, the profound notion of the symbolism of zero was lost. 

The zero was a novelty in Europe, given the absence in the Roman numeral of it, but the idea of something beyond any creative matter or source of everything was a notion already cultivated; they called it: god. 

Śūnyatā is an example of how the rational and the spiritual can share the same root; How some forms and symbols can bring together science and religion and create harmony.

Europeans used the zero only as a useful mathematical term. This way, the zero lost its whole metaphysical and spiritual meanings. 

Europe would write history conquering the world. They would bring god and the Roman numerals on the bible, the calendar, and the clock, on one side. While on the other, they would use the zero among the rest of the Indo-Arabic numbers. Those would be useful to make navigation and trade calculations in their maps and notebooks. 

The Indo-Arabic numbers would reach every corner of the world, prevailing in our system to this day. 

Śūnyatā is an example of how the rational and the spiritual can share the same root; How some forms and symbols can bring together science and religion and create harmony. 

Safe travels, 
