
My intention

What I'm doing here...
My intention in opening this channel is to have a space to expose the ideas on my path. Also, to continue creating and sharing content, audiovisual and written, for dissemination and dialogue about a topic that concerns all of us: the temporal and spatial organization of the world.

Finally, the goal here would be to create a community that supports and reinforces this process.

I am one of those people who believes that happiness is found along the way and not at the goal.

Nowadays, we live in a world that, most of the time, prizes the results but does not invest enough in the processes to create them.

Walking in this world makes the journey always a challenge. Wich, it means that you will end up learning way more than you ever thought while getting through the adversity of the road.

I am thankful to those who decide to support me in this space and are willing to walk together. Your support will allow that, after almost ten years, this project remains free and independent. 
I see this space as my little canvas where I can draw and dream freely. And, thanks to you, it is becoming step by step the incubator from which much more elaborate and comprehensive proposals will emerge.

Safe travels.
