An adventure starts with a dream
Writing our History and our Destiny
A journey where we can be the authors, as much of our history as our destiny.
Road Map
Road Map
In the journey, we will pass through four strata of our reality. In each one of these, we will work on a level of the graphic matrix that I have designed, which will help us to relate with and visualize each of these planes of reality.
The first stratum that we are headed toward has to do with the plane of the cosmos; in this we will focus only on the astronomical reality of the planet Earth in its relationship with the Moon and with the star Sun, these being the main fountains of energy that transform nature.
The second stratum we will pass through will be the natural one, where we will see the primary relationship between ourselves as human beings and the Earth through our bodies.
The third stratum we will delve into will be our social world. In this, we will try to understand the design as much as the function of the tools with which we are relating to the Earth and its cycles.
The fourth and final stratum will be that of our personal world. In this, we will see how our individual reality is constituted and how we move within all these different levels.
...perhaps, we can undo the knots of the past that keep us tied to a pre-established reality that shapes, both the world and our minds.
Life is a Journey
Life is a journey
Existence is a constant movement. Everything moves, everything vibrates inside and outside of us, and consequently, everything changes. As humans, besides moving, we have the ability to travel by being able to collect information from all those changes along the way and to share it with stories.
Our social reality is all a matter of perception and interpretation.
This journey is for those who want to navigate the currents of energy on Earth and surf the waves of the worlds.
Our social reality is all a matter of perception and interpretation.
This journey is for those who want to navigate the currents of energy on Earth and surf the waves of the worlds.
Our conception of the world, the understanding that we have of the Cosmos, and our acting, both in life and in death, are intimately linked and are reflected in the cosmovision of a culture.
It’s been more than 500 years ago that Europe began the process that shaped the perception of space-time that gave birth to our current world system.
Geocentrism vs. Heliocentrism I
Geocentrism vs. Heliocentrism I
The catalyst for the entire process is known today as the scientific revolution in Europe that Nicolaus Copernicus started, it was trying to reform the calendar which, ironically, is one of the main elements that continue to shape the world today from the vision and logic of European obscurantism.
Geocentrism vs. Heliocentrism II
Geocentrism vs. Heliocentrism II
Even with this reform of the calendar, the church would never accept that the Earth moves in the Cosmos; what indeed was achieved was that the church would perpetuate itself as the center of the social movement of the world system, and with this, the beginning of the "Christian - Catholic Era" on Earth.
Coming soon ...
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